Coming up next - "A Picture of Nectar"

     Coming up Monday on Beast in the Maze, we're taking a look at Phish's third studio album, A Picture of Nectar. Released in 1992, this album represents a somewhat tighter and concise version of the band as compared to Junta and Lawn Boy, and contains many Phish staples, including "Tweezer," which often spans 20-30 minutes live, and is still close to nine minutes in length in the studio.

    If you'd like to get a head start (or a refresher), you can head to the playlist or read some of the basic background information on Wikipedia. Brian has also selected a couple of live picks: First, "Chalkdust Torture" from Camden, NJ in July of 1999, and second, the Bomb Factory "Tweezer" from Dallas, TX in May of 1994
    We hope you enjoy the listen, and the episode! See you Monday ✌
